An enriched shoemaker (IX, 73), Marziale
You used to iron with teeth
Leathers of worn-out slippers
To bite an old mud-soaked sole,
now you own your deceived patron’s fields in Preneste
I wouldn’t bear if you had a single room;
drunk on the generous Falerno,
you break beautiful crystal cups
and satisfy your lower istincts
with your master’s Ganimede.
My poor parents
Made me learn a little bit of culture
What’s the benefit of rhetoric and grammar?
Break off, Talia, my insignificant pens
If a simple slipper can bring this fortune to a shoe maker.
(Marta Bolognini - Matteo Moretti - Martina Stimilli)
Leathers of worn-out slippers
To bite an old mud-soaked sole,
now you own your deceived patron’s fields in Preneste
I wouldn’t bear if you had a single room;
drunk on the generous Falerno,
you break beautiful crystal cups
and satisfy your lower istincts
with your master’s Ganimede.
My poor parents
Made me learn a little bit of culture
What’s the benefit of rhetoric and grammar?
Break off, Talia, my insignificant pens
If a simple slipper can bring this fortune to a shoe maker.
(Marta Bolognini - Matteo Moretti - Martina Stimilli)
Used to dressoldleather with yourteeth
and to bitemud-dirtyoldsoles,
youhold the Prenestianlands of your dead master
and I would be outragedifyou’veeverhad a cupboard in them;
andyoucrush, drunk of the sparkling Falerno, the glasses
andyoufeelspicy-greedy for the Ganymedes of your master.
But, myidiotparents, theytaught me theseletters:
andwhat do I get with grammarians and rhetors?
Break the light pens and rip, Talia, these books,
if a shoe can bringthiswhole to a shoemaker.
(Agnese Bruglia - Lucia Copparoni - Rebecca Vida Gambelli)
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