Leonida di Taranto VII – 273

Euro’s fierce and violent storm,
and the night, and the waves
at the climax of the Orion gloomy sunset
killed me: Callaiscro passed away
crossing the Lybian sea.
Wandering about the ocean, prey for the fishes,
I die: now this false tombstone creeps over me.

(Marta Bolognini - Matteo Moretti - Martina Stimilli)

A violent and impetuousstorm of the East wind
And the night, and the waves of the dim, totaleclypse of Orione
Wasted me away: I slipped from life
I, Calliskros, sailing in the middle of the Libyansea.
And I, rolling in the sea, preytogether with the fish,
I died: untruthful grave isthis.

(Agnese Bruglia - Lucia Copparoni - Rebecca Vida Gambelli)


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